
Bread Roll Line Tray – 6 fold incl. 6 cups (670 x 85 mm)

30,9032,15 excl. VAT

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      SKU: 00270 Category:


      Part of our product port folio are, next to the individual cups, the trays that hold the cups.
      Trays are made of food grade plastics, and are executed with metal pins at both ends.

      Available trays come with 4, 5, 6 or 8 holes to fit the individual  cups.

      The individual cups come in three different versions / inlay:
      Fine mesh T200
      More open mesh T420

      Due to hygiene rules becoming more and more strict the mesh inlays are more and more in demand.
      Next to that, cleaning a cup executed with plastic mesh inlay is far more easy than a felt inlay.
      Especially the T420 mesh allows flour to pass through the mazes, thus the accumulation of flour, oil and dough particles is reduced, enhancing an improved cleaning result.



      Weight 1,000 kg

      Fits also proofers made by




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      Dimension image

      A - Length


      B - Width


      Quality materials

      Quality materials

      What is the difference between Basic and Plus materials?

      The frames of all our pockets come in two different plastic compositions:

      1. Basic Material
      2. Plus Material


      Basic Material is a plastic that has been specifically developed for its application: to come into direct contact with moist and oil film containing dough pieces. The plastic feels a bit “greasy” which in daily practice means that contamination adheres less easily to the frame’s surface. Because it adheres less strongly, any contamination at the same is easily removed.
      The resin is executed with a standard UV stabilizer which makes it resistant to the impact of UV beams of the UV lamps.

      For Plus Material the same base resin is used as for Basic Material, however, now several additives have been added. Like Anti-microbial that prevents bacteria from growing on the frame’s surface.
      In addition, an extra UV stabilizer that enhances the resin’s ability to withstand the impact of the UV lamp beams. The additive package is kept stabile by adding other additives that for instance avoid the white colored frame from turning yellowish after years of usage.
      The UV stabilizer extends the life time of the pocket, the Anti-microbial provides a clean and hygiene product.

      When chose for Basic or for Plus Material?

      (Semi) Industrial exploitation – Basic Material
      When a pocket is going to be used in a (semi) industrial environment, the pocket is used intensively [contamination vs cleaning liquids] and more frequently (mechanical [drop of the dough ball in the mesh] than in an artisan environment. In this situation the mesh, the weakest part of the pocket, will be the part that wears and tears first. That determines that a pocket needs to be replaced.
      If pockets do not meet a life time of 1- 2 years we advise to choose for the Basic material option.
      The Plus Material additive package only shows its presence after 6-8 years of usage, and when the mesh tears within a 1 – 2 year time frame you will not benefit from the package and thus not from your investment in a higher product price.

      Artisan exploitation – Plus Material
      If the pocket is used in an artisan environment the pockets are used only a couple of times a day. The mechanical and chemical exposure is significantly lower, however, longer because there is no reason to replace the pocket because the mesh remains undamaged. In this situation the additive package proves his presence: the pocket is being exposed to UV light for a longer period of time. Identical to the situation with contamination adhering to the frame. The additive package enables you to work with the pocket for years and years.
      In this situation the choice must be the Plus Material.

      Note concerning the available colors of the frame
      Basic Material: standard available in White, Blue and Yellow. However, for orders just as low as 500 pcs the frame can be made in any custom color.
      Plus Material: standard available in White, Blue and Yellow. Other custom colors become available with volumes starting from 5000 pcs.
      When you are considering a custom color please contact. We’ll be glad to prepare an offer based on your specific requirement.

      Metal Detectable
      This version comes in Plus Material only.

      Food Grade Materials
      Both compounds for Basic and Plus Material obviously are made of Food Grade plastics, certified to come into direct contact with food stuffs.
      This also applies to the meshes and felt used in our pockets and trays.



      Which types are available and where do they differ, what is their application

      Our pockets are offered with different kind of inlays: meshes and felt:

      1. Open Mesh type, code 95020. Available in White and Blue.
      2. Fine Mesh type, code T200. At this moment available in white only.
      3. A mesh type between meshes 1. And 2: code T420. At this moment available in white only.
      4. Needle Felt. Available in white finish.


      Ad 1. All our larger sized pockets are executed with code 95020 mesh. Due to the configuration of yarn diameter and mesh width the mesh is fine enough to avoid the dough from sinking inside the mazes during proofing time, causing the dough to stick to the mesh. At the same time the mazes are that wide that air circulation is optimized, and therefore proofing is perfect.

      This is our standard mesh type, executed in white colored yarn, used in all our larger pockets.
      In addition, we offer a Blue version of this mesh. In the unthinkable situation that fibers come lose from a broken yarn, a blue fiber will be found more easily than a white fiber simply because no other ingredients in bakeries are blue-colored.
      Since blue is an uncommon color for dough / bread pieces many items in bakeries are already, where possible, made in blue colored materials.
      Upon request from our customer base we recently introduced the blue mesh option.

      Ad 2., 3. and 4. These inlay materials are mainly used in our smaller pockets (or cups) that are mounted in Kaiser and other small bread intermediate proofers.
      Fully dependent on the type of dough and the proofing/resting time inside the pocket you can choose from one of these options.

      Food Grade Materials: All four products obviously have Food Grade approval and are certified to come into direct contact with food stuffs.

      Increased volume for extended proofing time
      Note: It can happen that for some reason you need or would like to extend proofing time. Longer proofing implicates a larger dough ball volume which requires a pocket’s mesh to give room to this increased dough volume.
      For these situations we offer all our larger pocket models in a “deeper mesh” execution.
      Please contact us in case you have a requirement for a deep-mesh pocket.
      Already available for, for instance a Gefra, Ter Haar, De Ridder, Van Dijk, H2A intermediate proofer.